26 August 2006

Perhaps we
make it up
as we go
along ?

"Is not the Ball in the robe of my sleeve a wonderous object"
oil on canvas 40cm-28c

Where are they going
and if you know where you are going,
where are you now?
"Tunnelers" oil on canvas

Summer in Rose Carol Garde oil on canvas

People just want peace
apart from those whose creed is
greed mental laziness and future fear.

Where's your insouciance peter?
Enough of that and let's just scroll about
to who knows what and where why not.

"Trapped Light Dancer
" oil on canvas . Are we made of trapped light, transformed into matter?

"Mirror Mirror" oil on canvas 88cm-90cm.

a definition of ART by ZA

"the attempted reconciliation of apparently
uncompromising opposites"
which is partially a load of bollocks

which part what locks

is up to you dear viewer! in

another place

"Another Life"58cm-48c oil on canvas

Decided to get into anatomy, so if any body wants to come over and give me their body nows your chance.

"You can feel it in your bones" 58cm-48cm oil on canvas
as J.C. Clark says
' that's how the world will end
not with a bang but a wimpy'

23 August 2006

We All Go Home

oil on canvas32.5cm by 23.5cm.

Dark Matter and Black Holes
no death
no nothing
something else

Big Bang Theory doesn't quite fit the 'bigger picture'. you need eg. an

"Externally Existing Self Reproducing Inflationary Multiverse, (Barred)"

oil on canvas 100cm by 75cm.

Byles Street Blues
acrylic on bedsheet

Where's the light here? made into bricks and shit? E=MC squared.
mass & energy interchangeble.
like time & space

Anyway I don't know where I am going. On the other hand I feel as though I know where i am and this painting is
Getting There oil on canvas. 70cm by 120cm

Paintings have been or are on view at the following spaces. places:

urban coffee lounge
south bohemian
52 roscoe st
a foundation
liverpool academy of arts
gostin chambers
domino (stop the war)

16 August 2006

SO " Take me too the River" 35cm-22cm
oil on canvas

Hope you are still with me somewhere along an imaginary non linear journey through my art and waffle and therefore to some extent me.

If I'm spinning up I ain't spinning down
If you know where I am
You'll know I'm not found

Show me you, leave a comment, buy yourself a painting, make me an offer, as long as you care my friend, who cares! Because......................................................................................

"Everybobies Here" oil on canvas 37.5cm-39.5cm.

"Holocene Scene" oil on canvas 130cm-65cm.

Representation of Earth, that thing we live on, remembering that "mountains are not cones, clouds are not spheres and lightening does not travel in a straight line"(1) rather like this blog site, a Representation of Me, that thing I live with, remembering that 'people are complex dynamical beings, bathed in their own internal radiation traveling at twice the speed of light.

(1)fractal geometry of nature-Benoit Mandlebrot-

10 August 2006

"Nine in One" oil on canvas
I'm not finished with this one yet.
If anybodies out there, I may start a section showing the evolution of a painting, what do you reckon?

You can teach a monkey to ride a bike, but it will still have hairy feet.

"Spot the Footballer" oil on canvas. Say no more

Hello humans, how are you, how are you really, are you there or am I talking to

Oil on canvas
about human size
head like yours,
perhaps a little bigger or maybe much smaller.

This is and is not me .
well my brain has felt some pain,
but i'm still here all the same
and yet a little changed considerably by age,
that happens so I hear, say" piss off future fear", cos it only brings despair, chuck out all your beliefs and loose that greedy streak, become your own sparkling peak or freak, who cares on our ways to where.
"Urin it all Together" oil on canvas 40cm-30cm

certain of their policies,
all sides have God on board,
all pissing on each other,
i'd do 'em all for fraud.

a little like this Library computer, which again won't let me into the A drive some do and some don't. It will appear, honest. They have appeared. Time only exists in it's relationship with space. computers run on windows time, which make it up as they go along. got to go bye bye
e-mail: barkerp@talktalk.net