30 November 2008

You can see a couple of paintings, "Octopool" and "Cuba ll (If Only They Could Meet!)"
at the '08 Place', Whitechapel, Liverpool city centre, until the end of January 2009.(but now it's too late)

22 September 2008

My painting of Space Sensation, with added animated spheres, balls as a bonus, not that it needs any!
It all ready describes the relationship between physical and mental worlds, dimensions perhaps you could call it, or realms of influence, connections and the relationship between Euclidean and Newtonian geometry / physics and Relativity, M Theory Fractals and Non Copenhagen Quantum Mechanics or perhaps it's all just Art and Science fun? Peter And Barker?

"Space Sensation" oil on canvas129 cm /150 cm

click > 2 play

13 August 2008

"The Dog is Speechless, The Finger is Pointless.( Not For Sale! )"
oil on canvas 68 / 60 cm

Either up or down
We can not know
Unless we commute
Too a quantum flow

Position and momentum
Dance together
To observe one

Effects the other

So how to know just where we are
Involves a jump on a quantum star
Cause and effect here takes a rest
Possible futures shape our present

You see all exists
In a quantum wave field
And all that is
Through this 'pops' real.
oil on canvas 130 / 110 cm

28 June 2008

I received a letter from myself the other day.
What was this
Do I have another me ?
With writing habits so similee?
On opening the post it was clear
the envelope was indeed from me
via liverpool art academy,
to partake in new exhibition
"Alice in Wonderland"

I Wonder" oil on canvas 50 cm / 38 cm

You've just missed an exhibition at Gostins Arcade, Hanover Street, Liverpool by Will Simmons and myself, Peter Barker.

This painting, "All Roads" oil on canvas 40 - 30 cm, was done with an eye on an art market at the Metropolitan Cathedral in Liverpool, scheduled for June 22, 2008,
Unfortunately the wind blew across the ' piazza' and the assembled artists work was blown into the wilderness and their trestle tables were tossed asunder like chafe in the wind, by 11.30 only a few remained. Fortunately my "art" shopping trolley was not greatly affected by gods angry wrath but the whole event was a 'blow out' as it were, thanks to the chap who bought a photocopy of Octopool and to the woman who purchased the weird dockside collage with the naked roman statues with whips and to the geezer who bought my dream It's Over There. By one o clock there were perhaps 4 of us left . by 2-30 I was in the pub.

Thanks, Joey, for getting me there and to Bill for getting rid of the shopping trolley!

Will Simmons and myself have an exhibition on at Gostins Buildings, Hanover Streel, Liverpool. only on for another week or so, so you'll have to go soon or it will be to late.
(to late)

9 April 2008

"Terranostra" oil on Octangular canvas painted for Ed

gaily bedight a gallant knight through sunshine and through shadow

had journied long singing a song in search of eldorado..........................

25 March 2008

"GALAXY" oil on canvas 40cm / 30cm

Chaos within order life evolves at borders

"IMMERSION" oil on canvas 80cm / 67cm