31 August 2024


 USA, war, Ukraine,  plausible  genocide Gaza,  ICJ, say USA, Taiwan may, like Ukraine, die for NATO say

it's all right there in front of you, whilst there's still a way to look,  but the Wests descent  into

madness  dictates they rewrite and burn the books, the people are a problem when they know what games their leaders play, greed, power, now even genocide are normal on a  NATO 5i Euro UK USA news round day, nuremburg trial warning for the future, plays out in this exact same way, of how a holocaust becomes, an ordinary day, pave the minds with fear and hate of others, the Russians Chinese  the bad Arabs not forgetting bad fellow citizens, are to blame for all the problems, rejecting the warmongers, a dangerous game to play 

PEACE or WW3  choose peace for people leaders, diplomacy, lose  the exceptionalism, that's your job  let us live in peace bin the military save the planet, do the right thing, please

the words above i just made up like the ongoing picture down below,


 blog site gone weird on me  thats google for you  ? this post ?

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