certain of their policies,
all sides have God on board,
all pissing on each other,
i'd do 'em all for fraud.
a little like this Library computer, which again won't let me into the A drive some do and some don't. It will appear, honest. They have appeared. Time only exists in it's relationship with space. computers run on windows time, which make it up as they go along. got to go bye bye
e-mail: barkerp@talktalk.net
You should post "urin it all together" too Bush and Blair
Hi there,
I am a friend of Felicity Wren and am currently making a documentary about her and a rather bizarre situation she has landed me in.
Around three years ago the Domino gallery closed its doors forever. Felicity asked me to 'hold onto a few more than 10 paintings for a few weeks' whilst she moved into care. I gladly agreed. Felicity then proceeded to hand me 83 paintings and immediately died leaving me no idea of what to do with them and absolutely nowhere to store them. Years later I am a professional filmmaker undertaking a MA in documentary making and for the last year have been tracking down artist after artist in an attempt to reunite them with their work. I have found some brilliant people along the way and the whole adventure came to a conclusion on July 29th 2021 with an exhibition of all the lost and found artywork left over from the oldest art gallery in Liverpool.
This exhibition features your work and is currently still hanging in Editions ltd. in Liverpool. This exhibition will be on until August 12th and this leaves you with the following options.
1) Contact me back and collect your long lost work.
2) Sell your work at the gallery where it is currently hanging.
3) Donate your work and should it be sold the funds will go towards helping the artistic community in Liverpool thrive with more events and artistic opportunities for young people, organised through Event Horizon. This will help students, local creative businesses, the public, and art lovers of all ages to experience more creative content throughout the city. (This will happen with all pieces that are not collected before the exhibition is over, a fitting conclusion to Felicity's legacy as the art she had in her possession ultimately continues to fund and inspire the Liverpool art scene further)
Please let me know what you decide to do, however, it must be stressed that should you make no contact nor an attempt to collect your work by August 12th 2021, your work will be deemed as unwanted as this is the final time you will be able to collect it. This exhibition is also public knowledge.
Whatever you decide to do, I hope you do get a chance to head down and see the exhibition or the documentary upon completion as it would have been impossible to create it without your involvement with our wonderful mutual friend, Felicity. If you feel you know any other artists who were involved with Felicity please don't hesitate to forward this email on so they can get in touch.
All the best and looking forward to your reply,
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